
General Information

Romi’s capital stock is R$ 1,001,432,789.79, divided into 93,170,747 nominative and book-registered common shares, without face value.

According to Company Bylaws, the shares have the following rights:

. Voting stock rigths in Stockholders’ Meetings;
. Dividends not lower to 25% (twenty-five percent) of net profit in the period, adjusted according to Brazilian Law 6,404/76 article 202;
. 100% tag along rights.

Company common shares are traded in the Novo Mercado segment of the São Paulo Stock Exchange (BOVESPA) under the ROMI3 symbol.

Official Share Register

Romi S.A. shares are book-registered and Banco Bradesco S.A. is their Depositary Financial Institution.

The stockholder receives at the registered address all information about his share status, as follows:

a) Transaction Statement with all changes in his share position, such as bonus, stock split, reverse stock split, subscription, etc.;

b) Dividend and Interest on Equity payments;

c) Information for Income Tax Statement, with share status on the last day of calendar year and dividend and interest on equity credited or received during the year.

Thus, it is very important that the stockholder keeps his address up to date in order to receive all information of his private concern.

For stockholders who keep their shares in custody at Bradesco, personal data changes may be performed through “CADASTRO DO INVESTIDOR” which is available at the Bradesco Branch Network or through the website, link “Formulários-Investidores”.

For stockholders who keep their shares in custody at CBLC – Companhia Brasileira de Liquidação e Custódia, data changes should be processed through the respective Brokers.

Official Corporate Publications

Romi corporate acts and official information are published in the following media:

a) The newspaper “O Estado de S. Paulo”;

c) Internet Romi official website: (this site).