
Frequently Asked Questions

Where are ROMI shares traded?
ROMI common shares are traded at the B3 S.A. — Securities, Commodities & Futures Exchange, in the Novo Mercado segment, under the ROMI3 ticker.

What are dividends?
Dividends represent a sum of money distributed to shareholders of a company (joint stock company). Dividend value is proportional to the number of shares owned and to the company profit during the previous fiscal period. According to the Joint Stock Companies Law (6,404/76), it is assured to the shareholders a minimum dividend of 25% of each-period net profit since there is positive balance in its accumulated profit/loss account.

What is EBITDA?
EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization), according to the Circular Notice CVM nº 1/2005, is the profit before deduction of financial charges, income tax, social charges, depreciation, amortization and non-operational result. EBITDA is not an analysis measurement of the operational performance adopted by Brazilian Accounting Practices, nor represent the cash flow for presented periods and it must not be considered as a substitute for ROMI’s net profit, as an operational performance indicator or as a substitute for a cash flow as the Company’s liquidity indicator.

What is Ibovespa?
Ibovespa is the index that measures the market price fluctuation of a theoretical stock portfolio of the most negotiated shares in the B3 S.A.— Securities, Commodities & Futures Exchange. For more information click here.

How to buy or sell Romi’s shares?
To buy or sell ROMI’s issued shares one must search for a broker affiliated to the Stock Exchange of São Paulo – B3 S.A., which will intermediate the operation. Brokers possess expert professionals on market analysis and on the Company actuation segment who will help the investor to take the decision. You will find in B3 S.A. site ( the complete list of such brokers. You may also trade your shares via Internet through the Home Broker system. For that, it is required that you are client of a broker which provides access to that system. The list of brokers that provide the Home Broker system may also be found at the B3 S.A. site.

How and where ROMI publishes its financial and corporate information?
All relevant facts, announcement of results and other communication to shareholders and investors are simultaneously published in CVM, B3 S.A. and the Investor Relations’ Company website ( You may also receive this information via e-mail. To register, click here.
The complete financial statements are annually published in “Valor Econômico” newspaper. The quarterly financial statements, press releases, presentations, relevant facts and shareholder notices are available in the investor relations area of ROMI’s website ( Other information about the Company may also be found at the website of the B3 S.A. — Securities, Commodities & Futures Exchange ( and the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM – Comissão de Valores Mobiliários) (

How can I contact Romi’s Investor Relations Area?
Romi S.A.
Rodovia SP 304, km 141,5 – Distrito Industrial
13459 057 Santa Bárbara d’Oeste SP, Brazil
Phone: +55 (19) 3455 9418
Fax: +55 (19) 3455 9990

Investor Relations Director
Fábio B. Taiar
Phone: (19) 3455 9418
Fax: (19) 3455 9990

How can I follow ROMI’s share quotation?
ROMI’s share quotation may be followed at ”Investor” section of Company’s website ( or through B3 S.A.‘s website (

Who is the Official Share Registrar of Romi Shares?
Romi S.A. shares are book-registered and Banco Bradesco S.A. is their Depositary Financial Institution.

The stockholder receives at the registered address all information about his share status, as follows:
a) Transaction Statement with all changes in his share position, such as bonus, stock split, reverse stock split, subscription, etc.;
b) Dividend and Interest on Equity payments;
c) Information for Income Tax Statement, with share status on the last day of calendar year and dividend and interest on equity credited or received during the year.

Thus, it is very important that the stockholder keeps his address up to date in order to receive all information of his private concern.

For stockholders who keep their shares in custody at Bradesco, personal data changes may be performed through “CADASTRO DO INVESTIDOR” which is available at the Bradesco Branch Network or through the website, link “Formulários-Investidores”.

For stockholders who keep their shares in custody at CBLC – Companhia Brasileira de Liquidação e Custódia, data changes should be processed through the respective Brokers.